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Name: Richard A. Blasko

Nickname: Richie, Chip, Ric

Age/Sign: 2-29-80

Ric has been a member of bettie_buddies since 1/2/2000.

Website URL:

Location: I don't know, but I can see Hell from here

Bettie Thoughts:I love Betty so much, because she seems so strong, and in charge. And she fills the darkside of my heart like Monroe fills the lighter side.

Interests: RPGs, Reading, Writing, My Saxophone

Favorite link(s):

Favorite Bettie look/pic: Have not seen a Betty look I don't like yet

Extras: "The love a common man may have for a noble woman, can cause him to do great and heroic things. Yet the Lust a king may have for a common woman, may destroy empires."