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Name: Reagan

Nicknames: Miss Page, Lucky,and Punk Rocky

Age/Sign: I'm a saucy 17 year old and a virgo

Reagan has been a member of bettie_buddies since 1/26/2002

Location: Sunny ol' Cali-forn-i-a!

Bettie Thoughts: My mom was the one who got me started on Bettie. I always remember going into my mom's room and seeing all of these pictures and memorabilia of the wonderful Miss Page. I guess you could say I'm growing up with Bettie.I love Bettie Page. She's just got this raw sex appeal radiating from her. She's just sooo darn sexy! I like to model myself after her (physically). Right when I was old enough to dye my hair (which was last year), I went black and started to cut my preexistent bangs like Bettie's. What also got me into her so much is that so many people have commented on how much I look like her. I enjoy entering look-a-like contests. I also collect Bettie memorabilia like my mom and I'm currently working on making Bettie wallpaper for my room. I'm really happy that I've found a place where people have the same interest for Bettie as I.

Interests: The wonderful Miss Page of corse! Vintage clothing and make-up spanning from the 40's to the 60's, Punk and OI!, independent films, pin-ups, modeling, drawing, and designing (I'm an aspiring make-up artist and designer.)

Favorite link(s):

Favorite Bettie look/pic: Whatta knockout!