A Bettie Page Fan Gallery
w o r k s   b y   f a n s   i n s p i r e d   b y   B e t t i e

Bettie as a toon, by Dave HolleOK, I'll go first!

Here's how Bettie might look
in my cartooniverse...

Dave Holle <dave@bettieville.com>

"Gates of Betty"
Bart Cameron <bartcameron@yahoo.com>

Gates of Betty by Bart Cameron

Bettie by BettieByJeremieHarrellJeremie Harrell <hell_on_you_xxx@yahoo.com> is looking to do more commissioned artwork. This pencil work took only 2 hours.

Dennis J. picked Bettie as the subject of his "first drawing, other than in grade school." An impressive first effort! Pencil on paper.
Dennis J. <sammyroy1013@icqmail.com>

by DJ

Bettie by MichelleX"Bettie" digital art by MichelleX

Prints available from http://www.savage-desire.com/

A few years ago Bill Vujevich from San Jose, California was inspired by a popular Bettie pose when he produced this lovely colored pencil drawing.
Bill Vujevich <bvujevich@worldnet.att.net>

Bettie Page by Bill Vujevich
From: Bill Vujevich
To: dav@bettieville.com
Subject: Bettie of course
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 18:22:54 -0700
Hi Dave, I drew a small design for a
guy named Andre from Brazil who saw
my art on your site.  I thought you
might like to see it.   ---Bill
Bettie Page by Bill Vujevich


Bettie by Caren AdamsCaren's credentials as a Bettie fan are impeccable. She started the flourishing Bettie Page WebRing to link her Bettie pages to others, like this one. She co-founded the lively bettie_buddies e-mail list. She collects Bettiephilia. Now how much would you pay? Don't answer, because you also get... Caren's sketches of Bettie!

Caren Adams <flexiblekitty@sympatico.ca>

Richard Norton is a blues/rock guit-artist (half musician half artist) from Southern California. At his site, see more art inspired by Bettie and other famous faces, and learn about his music.

Richard M Norton

BP by Richard Norton

BP by Don McMurry JrHere's Betty as seen by Don McMurry Jr. in March of 1999.

Don McMurry Jr <inus@ctaz.com>

Lesley Anderson drew Bettie as a cartoon cutie who'll wiggle and whip her way into your heart!

Lesley Anderson <filthy_rotten@excite.com>

BP by Lesley Anderson

Bettie Page by Flor Van ParijsSee, I told you it was a popular pose...
"Please find as attachment an oilpaint (60x80cm) of Bettie Page, made in 1995 by the Belgian Flor Van Parijs (ƒ20.08.42). By my request he painted it and it is now decorating my livingroom. We would be very glad if you would put it on your Bettie Page website. Thanks."

Peter Hendrickx <peter.hendrickx@innet.be>
